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Frequently asked questions

Are your products Red List compliant?

We can supply an RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive) to help support with Red List compliancy. Contact us to request a copy for your project. 

Can the Wash+Dry hand dryer be used on any sink and do you have recommended compatible sinks and soap dispensers?

Standard measurements are:

  • Minimum width of sink: 15 in (380 mm), Front to back – Minimum: 13 in (330 mm)
  • Minimum depth of sink: 5 in (127 mm)

For more information, please see W+D tech spec or contact us at 1-855-720-6378 or design@dyson.com

What is the noise level of the Airblade machines (in decibels)?
  • Airblade 9kJ: 76dB in Eco mode/79dB in Max mode
  • Airblade V: 79dB
  • Airblade Wash+Dry: 80dB

How long does the HEPA filter last before needing to be replaced?

There are many variables to consider when determining how long the HEPA filter can last before needing to be replaced. The types of environment in which the hand dryer is installed, and frequency of use (stadium vs office) are two key factors to consider.

Also, if you notice the dry time of the machine has increased or if the airflow from the Dyson hand dryer is warmer than usual, it may be time to replace your filter.

What are the electrical requirements of the Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers?

Dyson Airblade™hand dyers are between 650W-1400W in rated power and offer dry times between 10-14 seconds. Please see the Specifications and documents page for more information.

  • 1 Trocknungszeit und Energieverbrauch wurden für den MAX-Modus berechnet. Die Trocknungszeit wurde mit der Dyson Testmethode 769 auf Grundlage von NSF P335 bis zur Messung von 0,1 g Restfeuchtigkeit bestimmt.
  • 2 Durchschnittliche Lautstärke (gemessen in Sone) im Vergleich zu Dyson Airblade™ Händetrocknern 
  • 3 Durchschnittlicher Strompreis 0,17 €/kWh, Stand Dezember 2018. Unsere Berechnungen anzeigen.
  • 4 Die Trocknungszeit wurde für den MAX-Modus mit der Dyson Testmethode 769 auf Grundlage von NSF P335 bis zur Messung von 0,1 g Restfeuchtigkeit bestimmt